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Women Empowerment
Women are the core foundation of families while there are the mothers of the Nation, they work very had to
stand the needs of families. In the rural communities women work more hours in a day compared to men, taking care of both
children and husbands, However in some families women go further to sustain the family with basic needs, taking the role
of husband and wife,yet some are already widows.
As NIA, we are dedicated to empowering women through agricultural initiatives and group savings programs, such as Village Savings
and Loan Associations (VSLAs). Through these endeavors, women are provided with opportunities to actively engage in agricultural
activities, gaining valuable skills and knowledge in farming practices. Additionally, our VSLA programs offer a platform for
women to save money collectively, access small loans, and invest in their agricultural enterprises. By combining agricultural
empowerment with financial inclusion, we aim to enhance the socio-economic status of women, foster community development, and
create pathways towards sustainable livelihoods in rural areas.
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