Agricultural Solutions

To Improve Farmers Welfare

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Our Focus

Namutumba Innovations Agriculture

Namutumba Innovation Agriculture (NIA) believes in changing life in rural communities through Improved farming, environmental protection, Women empowerment, provision of clean Water and Sanitation Hygiene.

Agriculture Activities
Women Empowerment
Environment Protection
Water and Sanitation
Relief Support
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What We Do

In brief

Support Agriculture

By working with strategic partners, we build local capacity and ensure sustainable impact. Making easy access to quality agricultural inputs like genuine and improved planting materials and agricultural equipment is a key to increase farm production and communities capacity-building.

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Environment Protection

Our organization focuses on environment protection through direct community engagement by advocating for and implementing eco-friendly practices to preserve the environment and ensure a sustainable future.

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Women Empowerment

Namutumba Innovations Agriculture through a close interactions sharing challenges and experience with in the project members, the board proposed to establish co-operation with women in the community where it operates to support them.

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Water & Sanitation Hygiene

Namutumba Innovation Agriculture ensures the beneficiary community has more sources of water that are clean and good for both human and animal consumption. This is done though construction of boreholes and wells for the communities.

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Some of Our Activities

These are some of our Activities for the year 2024

Capacity Building
Farmers Capacity building

Namutumba Innovation Agriculture (NIA) is handing over sets of ox-ploughs to farmers to be used to ease cultivation which is one of the challenges affecting rural farmers. NIA Proudly invited the Area Woman Member of Parliament to officiate the ceremony.NIA is proud of working with the government and other partners to improve rural livelihoods

distribution of farm implements June, 2018
Hands On training
Women Hands on Skills Training

Handson is one of the training methods to ensure that rural farmers are adopting skills in farming. Prioritizing Women who are the main beneficiaries in most of our projects. Women are taking lead in this particiaption.

NIA demo-garden June, 2019
WASH Program
Providing safe water to rural communities

Water is one of the main challenges in rural communiies. Namutumba Innovation Agriculture (NIA) partnering with other organiations was able to bring water to one village in a rural community.It is believed that if we bring more sources of water to rural communities, there will be a great change in reducing water scarcity, availing safe water hence reducing diseases related to unsafe water supply.NIA is calling upon partners to provide more water sources to rural communities

Future activitiy

Conducted Activities

Latest from us

29 Nov 2021 Comments (15)
Pineapple Growing

Through Reserach, the leadership of NIA introduced pineapple growing as one of the crops to improve income to the rural famers. Due to its fleibility, suckers are only purchased once and gardens can continue to produce more suckers for other farmers hence self sustaining among many farmers

29 March 2024 Comments (15)
Empowering Women through saving

We focus on women empowerment, we introduced village savings and loan association where farmers save and access micro loans more easily as compared to the tidious process in local banks. This has encouraged women to start small businesses in order to support their families especially in things that men in rural communities under-look.

02 July 2024 Comments (15)
Cash crop

One of NIA goals is to increase households income by encouraging farmers grow cash crops and chilli has been identified as another main cash crop in community.

29 Nov 2023 Comments (15)
Research on Agriculture

We conducted research on growing of The African Bird's Eye Chili, also known as "Piri Piri in Namutumba.As NIA we focus on enhancing the cultivation, sustainability, and commercial value of this resilient crop

29 March 2024 Comments (15)
Pineapple Growing

NIA has embarked on a new initiative aimed at enhancing pineapple cultivation in Namutumba. Recognizing the pineapple as one of the most lucrative tropical fruits in the region, the NIA is focused on advancing sustainable farming techniques to increase both the yield and quality of this valuable crop.

02 July 2024 Comments (15)
Cash crop

One of NIA goals is to increase households income by encouraging farmers grow cash crops and chilli has been identified as another main cash crop in community.